So it's hot outside...really hot. But your sales are starting to cool off as children start returning to school. Here are a few tips for maximizing the last weeks of your busy season, while looking forward to all that the Fall brings for your business.
1- Stay open during peak hours. Although your student employees may be returning to school, it is important that you have someone if not yourself, staff the counter. You are still paying the rent & utilities. Why lose the opportunity to to add some cash to the register?
2- Feature a "Back to School" special flavor. Besides adding a little excitement & enhanced sales, this could be the chance to test a new addition to next years permanent menu.
3- Offer a sneak peak "Ask Me About"...for your fall flavors. Pumpkin is already hitting store shelves in every product imaginable, from coffee to pies & candy. Capitalize on creative interpretations of the flavors of the season: apple, cinnamon, cranberry, pumpkin, gingerbread, peppermint & more. (Check out Gil's Ice Cream Supplies Green Mountain Natural Flavors at https://www.icecreamsupplieswholesale.com/gils-italian-ice-flavors-and-bases)
4- "Batter Up!" Team up with a local Little League for after-game treats, or with local schools to develop a special fund-raising night for their programs. Once someone discovers your location and delicious offerings, they will be 40% more likely to become a repeat customer...even after the promotion is over.
5- While its fresh in your mind, spend downtime analyzing what you did right and did wrong this season. Staffing, menu, pricing, toppings, product offerings, promotions...etc. Take notes so next year you are ready to hit the ground running with an effective strategy.
Gil's Ice Cream Supplies stocks a huge selection of syrups & bases to make your own Ice Cream, Italian Ice & Gelato, including a gourmet private label line for unique flavors without the cost of new product development. We also carry a huge selection of waffle & cake cones, rainbow sprinkles, crushed fruit & candy toppings, chocolate & peanut butter syrups, flavored bases, nuts, cherries, spoons and all of the paper serving, manufacturing and packaging products you will ever need to run a successful Ice Cream, Gelato or Italian Ice business!
Gil's Ice Cream Supplies
320 W Oak Lane Glenolden PA 19036610-237-6501 GilsWholesale.com IceCreamSuppliesWholesale.com
Gil's Ice Cream Supplies / Gil’s Wholesale Distributors is a family owned Pennsylvania-based full service distributor of ice cream, Italian Ice, Gelato and frozen dessert manufacturing products and supplies, located 10 minutes from the Philadelphia International Airport. Established in 1978, our delivery area is PA, NJ, and DE and we ship throughout the U.S. and abroad by common carrier, as well as offer convenient Pick Up services at our customer-friendly showroom.
With over 40 years of experience and over 8,000 SKU’s, we stock Ice Cream Mix, Italian Ice Flavors & Bases, Gelato ingredients, Variegates, Toppings, Syrups, Cones, Candy, janitorial supplies, and concession items such as popcorn and snow cone supplies. We also carry paper & plastic items such as cups, utensils, straws, napkins and containers for serving, manufacturing, Take-Out and packaging to simplify your ordering.
Free Customer Parking.
One Stop Shopping for all of your business or organizational needs.